September 11, 2001 - Have you forgotten?
I'm writing this in response to a blog posted by a friend of mine. Check it out
here and then read on.
Have you forgotten? I'm serious. Everyone uses the cliche "Never forget" but do we really remember how that day changed our lives -- forever? Well, it did change out lives forever but I think some people are forgetting. Not forgetting that the buildings fell. Not forgetting that radical Muslim terrorists flew planes into those buildings and into the ground. Maybe not forgetting how
everyone came together on Sep. 12 and the following months.
But slowly I think peoples memories started to fade. Politics is back to politics. On Sep 12 everyone --
everyone -- wanted to go after those responsible. It became the "in thing" to support going after Bin Ladens head. We had been attacked on our soil. This isn't how it's supposed to be. They threw the first punch so we need to punch back and punch hard - so hard that they can't hit us again.
So we went into Afghanistan to get those responsible beginning with the leader - Osama Bin Laden. Some conspiracy theorists will question why we were prepared to launch this mission in what seemed like moments after the attacks -- implying the attacks were staged as justification to launch the preplanned attack. Malarkie(sp?). During the 1990's the CIA was already active in Afghanistan - trying to find Bin Laden. How close they ever got to him I'm not sure but apparently they were never given the green light to take him out so I guess it didn't matter.
Why we never got him - I don't know. Would Sep. 11 have never happened if Bin Laden had been killed? Possibly. But then Oct. 11 or Nov 11 or Dec 11 would have gone down in history instead.
These people
HATE us. I don't believe it's all muslims but there is a group of them that is taught from an early age that America is evil and Americans should be killed. These are the people that put Sep. 11 in the history books. Have we forgotten?
So here we are, 8 years later. What has changed? (My use of that word "changed" is kind of funny given the current president and all the change he promised people) Anyway, we're still running around trying to get Bin Laden. Well at least that what it seems like to most but the recent disagreement between Obama and Gen. McCrystal over the need for additional troops -- makes me wonder if we're really trying to win. The general that Obama appointed himself has stated a need for more troops to complete the mission. The president apparently disagrees with that assessment. Has he forgotten?
We're actually going to try some of those radical muslims that admitted they were instrumental in the planning of those attacks. Military court? Nope - United States federal court system. They're going to get the same rights that they profess to hate. Why is this? Is it a question of whether we're at war with these people? There is no question in my mind. Yet this president, who is reluctant to send more troops to fight the war against the people that brought down our buildings, slipped away to Asia while his appointee for Attorney General Eric Holder announced he's giving these scumbags the full rights of American citizens. Once again an example of Obama's henchmen doing his dirty work for him. Supposedly Obama was not consulted by Holder before making the decision? No? I find it hard to believe that the two aren't on the same page.
Holder was asked what would happen if the defendants were found not guilty? His response - "Failure is not an option." So this is just a little bit confusing. In the American justice system you're innocent until proven guilty, right? Holder is somehow implying that the men are guilty and will be convicted - don't worry American public. Is this great judicial system, which they want to flaunt to the world, no more than a side show? Apparently the prisoners expressed their desire to plead guilty in a military court and had asked to be put to death. Now, since they'll be on a world stage, they are going to plead not guilty and use the opportunity to pander their anti-America propaganda. The US military is going to be made out to be the bad guy. The defense attorneys, if they are going to do their job, will explain about the "torture" (what a joke) used against these poor men. They will describe the "horrible" conditions at Gitmo. Have they all forgotten?
I could go on but I'm getting too mad. So much of this does not make sense to me. There is more going on that meets the eye. This administration has shown that they are not about the change that their leader so brazenly professed this country needed. It's about more than that -- it's about the change they need to make to further their agenda......what exactly that is has yet to be seen.
We had a president that, if nothing else, kept us safe from further attacks. He had not forgotten. He had his faults but he definitely had not forgotten. But the public grew weary of two wars and a weakening economy and decided it was time for a change. Change for the sake of change. I love it. Who is Obama? What has he done? What change does he stand for? What's he going to do besides bring home our troops and close Gitmo, give health care to everyone and grease the palms of the SEIU? It doesn't matter - vote for him - he's not Bush. I can't tell you the number of times I heard people say "It can't get worse." Oh really?
I believe the people in the current administration have not forgotten 9/11 and what it meant to this country. They simply choose not to remember. That kind of silver tongued twisting of words reminds me of someone........any idea who?.