Well another Thanksgiving is upon us. The delicious looking bird to the left is ours from 2007. I decided (last minute as usual) to put together a little slide show of pics from previous Thanksgivings at our house. In doing so I decided to try to watermark each image with the date it was from because I figured that would be one of the most common questions posed while watching the show - "oh wow - what year was that from?"
I tried a couple programs and while a couple would definitely do the job I wanted something that would be flexible and that I could use over and over again no matter what the occassion so I kept looking.
What I I found was Batch Photo Watermarker by EasySector. You can download a trial version that allows you to try it out for 50 images before it becomes crippled. I didn't realize this or I would have only tested one or two as I played with all the options.
I did read, however, that you can do just what I'm doing here - post a link to their website - and they will send you a free registration key. I'm hoping I do get a key because from the little I've used it - I'm impressed. It's simple yet powerful. The only thing I'd like to see changed is the ability to extract the date from the EXIF data and be able to modify the way it's displayed more than just the two ways currently supported. Other than that - nice little app!
I'll post again with the results of the free code request.
P.S. EasySector - I hope you read this soon and send my code along - I'm trying to get this slide show put together for tomorrow am!
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