Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I received an email from my dad tonight and felt I needed to post it here.  Ironically, tonight while I was coming home I decided to drive through the old neighborhood where I gre up.  One of the sights is always Granny's house.  Well, these days it's where Granny's house used to be -- they've since torn her house down and replaced it with a newer larger one but the lot and the memories are still there.  So the contents of the email I received from my dad was a letter I wrote to my grandmother "Granny" for her 75th birthday which was in Jan 1999.  I miss you Granny -

My fondest memory of my Grandmother

When I was first told about this idea of writing down my fondest memory of you I thought it would be easy. No big deal…just jot something down, right. But when I stopped to think about it there are so many special memories I have it was hard to pick just one. There are the obvious ones like going food shopping together or "Christmas Eve at Granny's" but probably what I remember most about you is simply spending time with you at your house be it on a sick day, a snow day or just in the afternoon until my mom came to pick me and Tina up. I think back now about how great those days were and only now can I really appreciate them for what they were. When I think about it I'm surprised I didn't go insane from boredom. All there was to do was color in the coloring books that were stashed under the coffee table and watch tv….that is if it wasn't wash day. Oh, and I can't forget about the daily trips to Geiger's for milk, bread and Raleigh's Plain. Sometimes I would actually do homework…other times I'd sort through my hockey cards. I think it was one of these days that I came up with my hockey pool that you always graciously participated in even though I think you really had no interest in it.  Remember the one where you picked a number from a cup and that number had to match the total score in the Flyers game? I remember you always let me watch tv most of the day until Sally Jesse Raphael came on. Then it was your turn to watch tv for a couple hours until Little House on the Prairie came on. I remember you making Macaroni & Cheese for lunch just about anytime I wanted. Plus if we were lucky enough to stay for supper you always had something great to eat…always with a slice of butter bread, of course!  There are so many memories I have of you Granny that I could go on for pages and pages. If you get anything out of this letter let it be that you know how much I love having you as a grandmother and that I hope to make many more memories with you in the years to come.

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